Saturday, 18 August 2012

Women in power

Women in power (source Longwood Blogs)

Women in power,am not writing this post on the basis of women’s month, my previous post was about the celebration of women’s month and why it is celebrated. I would like to tackle on the issue of success and purpose. Women need to position themselves in their industry of choice or field of expertise. People think, act and communicate in the same way, but how you do it, sets you apart from the rest. Thus women should do what they love, which will automatically give them an advantage over man as they are women’s competitors and prove that they are all talk and no game. Besides men being female’s competitors, we need to fight to leave a legacy for those who still need to follow behind us.

The road to success is not an easy one and it will never be, because there aren't short cuts in life, it is filled with hardships and too often pain. We all want something in life, some want something out of life. Regardless of want we want we have to work hard and some would say work smart. The main reason for this would be, because a lot of men believe women shouldn’t be in power, and their reason for this is never valid. Their reasoning are mere opinions and it’s really fortunate that those opinion can be opposed by proving a point. Sarah Palin and Hilary Clinton made their way up the presidential polls, even thou they have not been successful but they have surely left their mark to prove their capabilities and it is not impossible read more.

Driven by purpose

This is known to be quiche statement, but there’s more to it than meets the eye .The road to success that you are on, can be the worst time of your life, we randomly believe in the saying "After dusk comes dawn" because, our minds are clouded with negativity and yes so many issues which are obstacles to success. The question would be who am i to be talking about purpose and women in power? Well am not famous philosopher, or an expert in business or any form of trade, but i believe what you believe and this is the simple prove of why i write what i write. A purpose is a reason for assurance, in doing what you love and doing it with passion.  
Don't be discouraged, your time of healing will come, your time of sorrow will pass, your achievements will be reached and your satisfaction will be filled. Just hold on a little longer, be stronger for that time is almost closer. Women are busy making moves and doing what they love.


  1. Its not that we don't want to, man have be in the fore front for decades, why change something that works?

    1. Change is often good, just don't make women feel that you are less superior then the opposite sex.

    2. Am not disputing it, what if men are just better leaders than women.

    3. maybe that would be because women were never given an equal chance to do so.

  2. There is a need for all woman out there to stand up show that power within them and prove that they can change the world.

    1. Thank you hector for that, I believe we shouldn't oppress the role of women. We need to give them a chnce to prove themselves as well.
